Friday, September 30, 2016

Jesus died for you and me

On Calvary, Jesus died for our sins, all we have to do is believe in Him and accept Him into our hearts. He is Greater than I ! Painting for sale $20 

Jesus painting

Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so! 
This painting is up for sale $25 . 

Love the cool crazy color scheme though 

Let me know if interested. I can ship too! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Piñata C

My years in Florida , I began to think out-the-box and be creative especially when I met a family that owned their own party rental place. She began to speak life into me and show me that I can do it too. So I did. I got some cardboard boxes scraps, scissors , masking tape, utility knife and started cutting away and creating piñatas for kids birthdays and events for church. In Matthew 10 it states, we are the equipment.... It also taught me patience, time-consuming and repetitive in our everyday lives .

 This piñata right here is custom made of Chikorita from Pokemon . Just remember to let God use your talents to bless others. 

Like my work , contact me @digitalgrlart Direct message . 

$30 per piñata flat rate 

Monday, February 8, 2016

A man with a mean mustache

Pencil drawing back in the day . Sketching on a typical day. But this sketch reminds me to keep your eyes focused on Jesus and don't wander our eyes all over but have our eyes fixed on Jesus !

Throwback Pencil Drawing

Back in school taking a life drawing class . Drawing the back view of a person , my friend Adre The Great . I was in church drawing not paying attention... It's a pencil drawing.

Meet FrankenDyno

FrankenDyno is a dinosaur but kind of like Frankenstein cuz he looks ugly but at Halloween and the month of October, FrankenDyno loves it because everyone is dressed up uglier than him.. But when Halloween is over , FrankenDyno has to hide his face cuz he ashamed and others will make fun of him.... Stay tuned for a children's book near you . Pencil sketch with colored pencils.

That warthog relaxing

Not one worries for this warthog up in Miami Jungle Island ! Let's not worry and let God be in cortrol ,Amen! Pencil drawing , quick sketch 

Families don't have to be perfect

Ink drawing sketch . Families are different and that's what makes them awesome! 

That scruffyness

Dogs are better scruffy if the owner brushes them daily . Pencil drawing. 

Portrait of a boy

Pencil drawing of a boy at the park